Reconciling your inventory

Sometimes, bottles come and go without being properly logged in CellarTracker. Don't worry, there's a straightforward way for you to reconcile your CellarTracker inventory with what's actually in your cellar! This process is made easier with the use of the individual CellarTracker barcodes and a handheld scanner, but can just as easily be done manually.

Using a Barcode Scanner

These steps will show you how to reconcile your inventory using our Bulk Editing tools and a handheld scanner with CellarTracker barcodes.

Bulk relocate your existing cellar into a new, temporary location. For example, you can bulk relocate all bottles in "Cellar" to "Temp Cellar". See the Bulk Editing topic for details.
Under Quick Links, select Scan Barcodes, and scan all of the bottles that were previously in "Cellar". You'll want to verify each bottle scans and gets added to the list as you go.
Bulk relocate all of the scanned bottles back to "Cellar".
Anything left in "Temp Cellar" is missing or presumed drunk, and then you can mark those as such in bulk by going to My Cellar, choosing Summarize By Location, and then clicking the temporary location. Switch to Individual Bottles view, select all bottles, and then use the bulk tools to mark them as consumed.
You can repeat the above process for each location you have, or even at the bin level, depending on how your cellar is organized. The net result is that it will help you verify all bottles that currently exist in the cellar.

Manually Reconciling Inventory

If you don't have barcodes on your bottles, the process can still be done in a similar manner.

Go to My Cellar, and filter on the location you want to reconcile. Switch to Individual Bottle view. Click the Export button, and export data into a spreadsheet; the default columns are fine. Make sure to include wines from all pages.
Now, go into your cellar, and remove any bottle from the spreadsheet that exists in the cellar. At the end of this process, the goal is to have a spreadsheet containing all bottles in CellarTracker that are not actually there.
Under Quick Links, select Scan Barcodes, and then click the link to output your scanner in bulk mode. Copy the entire Barcode column from the spreadsheet, and paste it into the bulk entry box. Make sure to delete the column heading if it appears at the top. Click Return to Bottle List.
Depending on how many bottles you've got, you may need to break it up into smaller chunks to process due to limitations in the lengths of URLs.
The list now contains all of the bottles to be consumed. Select the Drink or Remove option, and mark them as consumed.
You can repeat the above process for each location you have, or even at the bin level, depending on how your cellar is organized. The net result is that it will help you verify all bottles that currently exist in the cellar.
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