DYMO Installation and Troubleshooting

If you have a DYMO LabelWriter printer, and are just setting it up or are having trouble getting it to work with CellarTracker, the following installation and troubleshooting guide should help get things working for you. In recent years, web browsers have instituted additional security measures preventing native plugins on a webpage (of which DYMO used to be one), and it sometimes takes a few extra steps to get things working properly.


DYMO Label Software v8.7.4 or higher or DYMO Connect for Desktop is required to print labels. The DYMO Web Service is automatically installed with these and must be running on your local computer in order to enable printing. In January, 2023 we added support for DYMO Connect. (This software is required for Dymo 550 printers which are also now officially supported.)


Install the DYMO software

NOTE: You can install either DLS or DCD but NOT both at the same time.

DYMO COMPATIBILITY CHART: https://www.dymo.com/compatibility-chart.html

Please make sure you have the latest version of the DYMO Label Software or DYMO Connect for Desktop on your system and that it has been installed after you've installed the web browser you're using. The latest versions of the DYMO software are available for download here:

Windows (DLS 8.7.4 or DCD 1.4.7)
DYMO Label Software: https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup8.7.4.exe
DYMO Connect: https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DCDSetup1.4.7.48.exe

Macintosh (DLS 8.7.5 or DCD 1.4.7)
DYMO Label Software: https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DLS8Setup.8.7.5.dmg
DYMO Connect: https://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DCDMac1.4.7.49.pkg


Verify the DYMO software works

For Macintosh users, please reboot your computer after installation. We've seen this to be a necessary step to get the DYMO Web Service running after a new install. Also, people often end up with installation issues relating to Dymo certificates. This attached PDF from Dymo is a step-by-step way to troubleshoot this. Mac-Cert-Reinstall.pdf

To make sure the printer itself is working correctly, try printing a test label from the DYMO Software. Open up the DYMO Label software, select the label size installed in your printer, add some sample text, and try to print.

If it doesn't print, then you will need to work with DYMO support (http://www.dymo.com/en-US/online-support) to troubleshoot. You can try re-installing the software and/or printer as first steps.


Verify the DYMO Web Service is configured properly

In order to print from CellarTracker, the DYMO Web Service must be installed and running on your local machine.

It is installed by default with DYMO Label Software v8.5.3 and higher. To check whether it is running, look in the system tray (Windows) or system bar (Mac) for a small icon with the DYMO logo. If you click/right click it and select the Diagnose... option, the software will tell you whether it is properly installed and running. If it does not provide you with a "Congratulations!" message in your browser, you will need to contact DYMO Support for further assistance.

The DYMO Web Service icon looks like this: 

NOTE: If you are on a Mac, and the automated troubleshooter is showing successful output, but nothing is printing, you are likely hitting some known issues with the DYMO software. Please be sure you have the latest v8.7.5 installed if using DYMO Label Software.


Test with the Automated Troubleshooting Tool

To verify that everything is correctly installed, visit our automated troubleshooting tool and click the Check Installation button. If all goes well, click on Print Test Labels; you should get two sample labels from your printer. If so, congratulations — your printer is installed, configured, and ready to print barcode labels!

It still doesn't work--now what?

99% of the support issues we receive regarding DYMO printers are due to software installation and permission problems; these steps should get those issues corrected, but as with any complex system it's possible there are other factors at play. If you've gone through the above steps, verified you can print from the DYMO software and that the web service is installed, but still can't get it working, please contact us for additional assistance. Please include your operating system, browser and DYMO Software versions in addition to the output from our automated troubleshooting tool so we can further assist you.

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