New App Release Notes

Release 2.1.18 - (6/28/24)


  • Tasting note translations!
  • Updates to the cellar collection list
  • Updates to the vintage chart

🐛 Squashed:
  • Improvements to the login experience
  • Improvements to Locations and Bins creation 
  • Improvements to recording purchase details

Release 2.1.17 - (6/10/24)


  • Compact View in Cellar Scopes
  • Collection search improvements
  • Improved handling of diacritics
  • Network connectivity indicators

🐛 Squashed:
  • Random crashes in WineDetails
  • Bottomsheet animation issues
  • Improved error handling in forms

Release 2.1.16 - (5/28/24)


  • Custom URL scanning on QR codes
  • Collection search improvements
  • Authentication logging updates
  • Label image improvements
  • SDK updates 

🐛 Squashed:
  • Label gallery 
  • Keyboard input form
  • Error fixes

Release 2.1.15 - (5/12/24)


  • Updates to navigating to label search results
  • Label searches moved from main search screen
  • Price & value rules respected throughout app
  • Treatments of currency markers

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix Timeout Error on fetching cellar
  • Consumed bottles overwriting purchase price when updated
  • Account creation blocked in edge case where locale is invalid
  • Fix default values for Tasting Notes
  • Default treatment of code-128 & code-39 queries in camera search
  • Deeplinking fixes
  • Successive barcode scans
  • Location/bin display and filter optimizations

Release 2.1.14 - (4/28/24)


  • Update to Community Holdings
  • Deletion of Private Notes
  • Update to Activity Feed cards
  • Scrollable Wine Images on Wine Details
  • Save Label Captures to Camera Roll

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix crash on exiting search flow
  • Fix scrolling and options sorting on dropdowns
  • Keyboard adjustments
  • Score internationalization
  • Fix datePicker time offset
  • Design refinement
  • General bug fixes & improvements

Release 2.1.13 - (3/28/24)


  • Updates to add a new vintage, report an issue, new wine label image gallery
  • Search updates: label search history, summarized search results, label and barcode search improvements
  • Updates to add and consume bottles: New bottle details screen, improvements to make it easier to add and consume bottles in quick succession, edit bottle improvements
  • Addition of My Charts and Print restaurant style wine list
  • Android improvements

Release 2.1.11 - (2/22/24)


  • Updates to Tasting Note Comments look and feel
  • Updates to Payment Reminders
  • Addition of social actions like accepting/declining friend requests and unblocking another user
  • Cancel friend requests you have sent
  • Improvements to currency formatting
  • Improvements to barcode scanner

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix for Vintage Tab Chart when displaying less than 5 points
  • Improvements to dismissing keyboard when modals come into focus
  • Fix for "Ghost Filter" scenario of a filter being selected when all bottles returned by that filter have been removed

Release 2.1.10 - (2/5/24)


  • Updated screen headers
  • Include purchase note for purchase scope wine cards
  • Profile updates
  • Cellar filtering and sorting enhancements
  • Share a wine, profile and review

🐛 Squashed:
  • Keyboard covering inputs
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.9 - (1/22/24)


  • New home screen scrolling blocks
  • Replaced CalendarInput with DatePicker
  • Bottle sizes sorted by size in select list
  • Add location and bin sorting to the ready to drink report
  • Styling & design system updates

🐛 Squashed:
  • ScoreBadge displaying NaN
  • Filter bottom sheets displaying NaN
  • Scores disappearing on vintage chart
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.8 - (1/9/24)


  • Clean up Collection card styles
  • Update Score Badge design
  • Vintages now display on wines in Activity Feed
  • Allow deletion of bottles from Consume screen
  • Allow for filtering by '0' when filtering by range

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix for crash on Wine Details screen
  • Fix for aggregation of bottles in Consume scope
  • Fix for sorting bottles by location
  • Navigate user to home after finishing onboarding
  • Fix for bottom sheet not closing when filtering using a date range
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.7 - (12/19/23)


  • New Home Screen - v1 of recommendation feeds
  • Cellar Filtering update, better filter selecting, more sorting options.
  • Styling & Icon updates

🐛 Squashed:
  • No really... we fixed the token issue
  • Allow delivery & purchase date to be the same value
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.5 - (12/05/23)

🐛 Squashed:
  • Hot fix for token expiry

Release 2.1.4 - (11/28/23)


  • Activity Feeds - "For you" & "Following" ("Others on your wines" is now "For You")
  • Continued sorting updates
  • Added preferences within Profile including; default currency, store & storage location

🐛 Squashed:
  • Drink Date fixed
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.3 - (11/13/23)


  • Add "new" Store
  • Friends/Following/Followers added to Profile Screen
  • "Public" Profiles
  • Purchase Detail updates

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix render issue on vintage chart
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.2 - (11/03/23)

🐛 Squashed:
  • fixes to Add Wine flow
  • fixes to bin filtering

Release 2.1.1 - (10/20/23)


  • Add "new" Location/Bin
  • Remove iOS bug reporting in favor of Frill and HelpScout
  • Revised permissions flows

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix sorting issues
  • General bug fixes

Release 2.1.0 - (9/20/23)


  • New BottomTab Navigation
  • New Profile Tab
  • Revamped Search experience
  • Additional sort options
🐛 Squashed:
  • Preloading issues
  • Improved barcode scanning
  • Inaccurate bottle counts

Release 2.0.31 - (8/23/23)


  • Accept delivery flow
  • Bottle deletion flow
  • Bottle editing - WIP
  • pull-to-refresh "My Wines"
🐛 Squashed:
  • Allow text input for steppers, add speed bump over 48

Release 2.0.30 - (8/16/23)


  • Purchased scope added to My Wines
  • Updated valuation data on wines
  • Introduces some bottle editing features
    • allow for consumption of bottles not in cellar
  • Improved initial load time of larger cellars
  • SSO integration with Frill
  • Added additional loading indicators
  • Maintain tasting note sort order selections
  • Revised vintage charts
🐛 Squashed:
  • Move dropdowns to bottomsheets for better performance
  • Fix keyboard issues with range selection
  • Fix issues with date selections

Release 2.0.28 -


  • Enhanced debugging with Bugsnag
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix for development configuration being build instead of production

Release 2.0.27 - (7/17/23)

  • Updated UI for "Wine Cards" for each scope list (In Cellar, Pending, Consumed)
  • Added Ready To Drink scope
  • Updated feedback loop to include new feature board

🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix bug when removing wine
  • Fix status bar opacity
  • Fix minor filtering bugs

Release 2.0.25 - (6/16/23)

  • Added UI updates to filtering/sorting in My Cellar (now My Wines)
  • Added filter shortcut bottom sheets
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix inconsistent filter results
  • Fix search regression
  • Fix date retention while editing tasting notes
  • Fix layout issue with tasting note dates
  • Fix consumption notes
  • Add multiline text input to consumption note

Release 2.0.21 - (5/05/23)

  • Added UI updates to filtering in Reviews when viewing from a Wine Detail
  • Allow user to delete and edit their own reviews
  • UI updates to Tasting Note form
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix for user landing on the Home Activity screen instead of My Cellar after seeing Welcome
  • Selecting Community Reviews in Wine Detail now includes user's own reviews
  • Fix for review count not updating after user has added/removed a review
  • Fix for bottle count not updating when a user consumes a bottle

Release 2.0.15 - (4/26/23)

  • Introduced sorting and filtering to Reviews when viewing from a Wine Detail
  • Updates to Pro Review UI
  • Prompt user to add a tasting note after consuming a bottle
  • New DatePicker Modal component.
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix to allow for filtering by size when searching My Cellar
  • Fix for Location dropdown in My Cellar not showing all options

Release 2.0.14 - (4/11/23)

  • Enabled tasting note and comment styling in UI
  • Updates in My Cellar to show tasting notes count
  • Addition of snackbar notification after successfully adding a tasting note
  • Open tasting note comments in screen instead of bottom sheet
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix for ScrollView in modals to include a keyboard aware submit button

Release 2.0.12 - (3/27/23)

  • Create/View tasting note comments from Wine Details screen - (no editing/deleting yet)
  • Helpful voting on tasting notes
  • Enabled tasting note styling in UI
  • Upgrade image management/caching library
  • Redacted navigation
🐛 Squashed:
  • Fix UI inconsistencies in Add Tasting Note screen : remove access to future dates, fix max rating, etc
  • Add form validation on Add Tasting Note screen
  • Fix UI glitch when validating Beta access
  • Fix app crash when navigating to Account screen
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